I am a life long artist. I am an art with a mission. My mission includes learning and creating with diverse art materials. You can see this diversity over my 50 years making art. Examples include, cyanotype, transfer media, sculptural assemblage and teabag papers. Click here to see examples art media in. my 2-D shop. Teabag paper is one of those interesting materials that excites my art brain. I recently uploaded a video on my TikTok channel. In this video, I go through the steps of how to disassemble a teabag. The dismantled bag becomes an art paper. The goal is to create useable paper for art projects. I plan to follow up with a second video showing ways to use the papers.
I have several project where I am using teabag papers in my art. In this video I offer examples of my art tags, available in my small treasures shop. My “Portrait of a Woman” project includes a series “Evolutions” featuring teabag paper as a primary material. I incorporated the teabag paper in collaged pieces that are part of the Chain Reaction project with International Online Art Collective (IOAC). In November I will be zoom teaching how to work with teabag papers as part of a yet to be released exhibit. Watch for more on my social media platforms.
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